Simplified OCR Fine Calculator

Simplified OCR Fine Calculator is a tool designed to easily calculate penalties for Pvt. Ltd. companies in Nepal when they fail to submit required documents to the Office of the Company Registrar on time.

Instructions to use Simplified OCR Fine Calculator

1. Select Capital Structure:

In the “Capital Structure” dropdown, select the capital range of your company.

Example options: “1 to 25 Lakhs,” etc.

2. Select Financial Year:

Choose the financial year from which you wish to calculate the fine (e.g., from the start or a specific financial year).

3. Enter Company Registration Date:

Input the company registration date in the Bikram Sambat (BS) format (e.g., 2078.12.16).

4. Enter Document Submission Date:

Input the actual date when the documents were submitted in the BS format (e.g., 2081.05.10).

5. Submit:

Once all the fields are filled in, click on the “Submit” button to calculate the fine.

Who can use the Simplified OCR Fine Calculator?

Simplified OCR Fine Calculator is designed for businesses in Nepal that have registered a company in their name (specifically a Pvt. Ltd. Company) and are required to comply with various document submission requirements as per the Companies Act, 2063. 

OCR Fine Calculator is particularly useful for:

Business Owners:

Entrepreneurs and business owners who need to calculate fines due to late submission of documents to the OCR.

Legal Professionals:

Legal professionals who assist businesses with compliance and need to determine the fines for late submissions.

Government Officials:

Officials from the OCR who might use this calculator to assess fines for businesses that are non-compliant with the Companies Act.


Students of business management, or company law who want to learn and practice compliance with company registration requirements.

In summary, this tool is for anyone involved in managing company compliance and filings in Nepal, helping them avoid or ascertain penalties by providing accurate calculations of fines for late filings.

How is it different from our OCR Fine Calculator?

Simplified OCR Fine Calculator is a streamlined version of our original OCR Fine Calculator which calculates fine section wise. 

In the detailed version, users needed a basic understanding of the applicable legal sections to calculate the fines accurately. 

However, the simplified version eliminates this need by automating the calculations without requiring users to have legal knowledge. It offers an easy, user-friendly experience where users simply input the necessary dates and details, and the system calculates the penalty automatically. 

This tool assumes the document date based on the applicable financial year and calculates the fine amount accordingly. 

Also use our other tools: VAT Fine Calculator, Salary Tax Calculator and OCR Fine Calculator.